I bought the threerockmountain.com domain to give myself a permanent e-mail address. The webspace came with it for free. Well, I couldn't leave it unused. It's not how I was raised - it seemed like such a waste.
I bought myself a cheap-ass web builder program and wrote a bunch of stuff. Eventually I outgrew the web builder and I bought myself a book on HTML. I started with Chapter 1 and got myself an editor program. Old dog, new trick time. It's proving to be fun and indeed useful in these technologically loaded times.
I do it for the craic. I'm too lazy to write a regular ongoing blog about matters of global importance and besides my laptop isn't up to the job. And neither is my brain if I'm to be completely honest. So I'll do the odd piece every week or so and build this thing out gradually. Or not. Depending how I feel.
In case you're wondering Three Rock Mountain is a large mountain rising just to the south of Dublin bedecked with TV and radio aerials. The site logo at top left is actually the view of it I have of it from my house.
Hopefully you'll get a laugh out of it also. Feedback is welcome if you're bothered. Plaudits and brickbats to kevin@threerockmountain.com