The most celebrated users
of the political poster are of course the Soviets. As a means
of communicating complicated political concepts to an agrarian and
industrial populace and ensuring that they clearly got the message
it was in their interests to comply, it was unbeatable. It
generated a new type of art - socialist realism.
Socialist Realism is a
style where the happy farm worker and her husband the
wrench-wielding factory worker stare unflinchingly into the bright
communist future while vowing to do their utmost to fulfill the
latest five year plan for grommit production. Like any
totalitarian philosophy it brooks no alternative
perspective. One may as readily argue against motherhood &
apple pie with a bible-toting, Stetson-wearing Texan.
The picture to the left is from the
Czechoslovak Socialist Republic celebrating the fact that the
1960-1965 five year plan actually led to an 84% rise in output in
the Slovakian region. Truly an achievement to celebrate with a
poster, Brothers and Sisters!

Hilariously the other extreme of
political thought adopted a similarly glorifying style called
National Socialist Realism, with much of the same techniques and
aims. Over the coming weeks, I'll put up examples of both
types, with some background information. To keep the tone light for
now, please enjoy these other two examples which are modern spoofs
advertising the Museum of Communism in Prague. The Museum is
well worth a visit if you're ever in Prague and is easy to
find. It's beside the Casino, over the McDonalds
restaurant. Ah well, that's the legacy of communism for