The Dublin Mini Marathon was on over the June
bank holiday weekend and Fiona ran in it. It originally
started as a demonstration of empowerment - to prove that the
streets belonged just as much to the women of the city as it did to
the hoodie-wearing youths that would hang around street
corners. Then the Irish discovered the benefits of keeping
healthy - cutting down on the Guinness, finding a brand of
cigarettes other than untipped Capstan, maybe not having deep-fried
fish and chips every night, and the whole thing kinda took
The race involves closing off a fair portion of south central
Dublin over the June Bank Holiday and a 10 kilometer course is laid
out. Now Fiona jogs to keep fit and is by no means a hardcore
runner - in fact she had never run 10k before, in anger or in
practice, but it's a nice distance and is eminently do-able if
you're reasonably fit. Furthermore while it is a race there's
no pressure if you're not up to international standard.
Entrants class themselves as Runners, Joggers and Walkers.
Walkers join furthest back from the start, Joggers go in front of
them and Runners line up at the top. There's a fourth category of
elite runners that aren't widely advertised. These have race
numbers in the range 1-100 and line up at the tape. I don't
think anybody would have an argument with that. You wouldn't
want your potential Olympic qualifying time ruined by a bunch of
especially wide middle-aged matrons from Blackrock just out for a
day in the sun and to raise a little money for breast cancer
research. Mind you, the elite runners are so hardcore, they
run in to the starting line from home base. Fiona signed up as
a Runner on the basis that she reckoned that the Jogger category was
for those who wanted to give it a go but weren't especially hopeful
they would still be bounding along once they got past the first
corner at Holles Street. Turns out she was right. Signing up on the
day it opened for entries (this girl plans ahead) as a Runner,
produced a wonderful unexpected bonus in that she got into the
number sequence immediately after the Elites - her three digit race
number (or gang colours as I insisted on referring to it)
really freaked out some of the less confident later entries whose
numbers were in the 30,000plus range.
Some (such as those pictured right hydrating with pints
of cider from O'Donoghues) were probably never going to trouble the
finishing tape. The winner of the race typically comes in
about 35 minutes from the off, at which stage some of the Walkers
are still considering if they should shuffle round to the starting
line or get another round in.
So far, so commendable. The reason I'm writing this column
is because the organisers have sounded a warning about action to be
taken about inappropriate attire worn by participants. Now, those of
you accustomed to my company will know that I'm generally in favour
of inappropriately attired women as a concept, but that's not what
is being warned against here. No what is being warned against
is encroaching tides of men!
Now the Women's Mini Marathon is, as you might guess from the
title for women. In reality, some of them have male running
partners, some men like the idea of running a 10k and some men just
like the idea of gatecrashing something they're supposedly barred
from. An Irish solution to an Irish problem was arrived at. A blind
eye has historically been turned to men in drag. If you're
fool enough to run 10k in the heat of midsummer dressed in a gingham
dress and a Judy Garland wig, the organisers were prepared to
overlook your hairy legs. I mean these are Irish women - you
couldn't question the female credentials of all participants with
hairy legs and a moustache, otherwise you would be there all
Now it is felt that men are unfairly encroaching on the women's
event and that there will be stricter vetting next year. I
mean do the guys pictured left really strike you as
diminishing the event as a serious race? Any more so than the
armies of middle class mothers walking their way to the Merrion
Centre and back? Wearing matching pink t-shirts to smugly signal
that the hospice movement wouldn't be able to keep going without
their fundraising efforts?...Disgusted, it used to be about the
In case you were wondering, Fiona completed the race and got her
medal. She ran all the way and finished in the top 4%.